I finished my first notebook!

So, yes, you read the title correctly. I finished my first notebook! Well, technically, it’s not my first. I’ve had a lot of diaries before but I’ve never finished them. I can’t tell you how many diaries I started but not finished.  Not because I don’t want to tell you, but because I honestly don’t know. I would probably write like 2 pages in it (at average) and then wait a year to start a new one. My short attention span was definitely a part of it. Or maybe because I just got bored with the work in progress I just wanted to watch TV and stuff. I remember I had this one diary that I wrote a lot in, but I never finished it. I don’t know where I put it. Starting is easy but how do you finish? I kept stalling. Every. Single. Time. I usually just lose them, I don’t think I have any of my diaries except this sacred writing time notebook, which is very sad to me….  🙁  I really tried to use this one effectively, especially since I’m older and Ms. Haseltine BOUGHT these for us, with real money! Today was my last page in my notebook, so I tried to make it really pretty. It wasn’t really an entry, it was more of like a to-do list and plans.. but I think it was a really nice page. I’m glad Ms. Haseltine had us write everyday. I enjoy writing more then I used to. Writing can be a lonely, frustrating, business. Thank you Ms. Haseltine! On to my next notebook/diary! (I will make sure to keep this one in a secure place, where I will not lose it.)




From Kindergarten To Sixth Grade Writing

11 years ago, I have stumbled on to the world.

//throws random confetti//

Then I went to school with…learning.

Writing. Reading. Math.

I still vividly remember that day.

I had absolutely no skill when it came to writing.

I learned how to use grammar and punctuation the right way.

I looked into dictionaries much more often.

My writing has gotten so much better.

Simply thank you everyone who has been putting up with my writing on this blog. 🙂

You are all such epictastical writers!

Now being in 6th grade, is..overwhelming just to hear that.

(I’m acting like I’m really old but)

I’ve improved in a lot,  such as writing, reading, and MATH.

I’ve also been better at extra activities, like dance, singing, and art!

Also it doesn’t take me 5 minutes to open my locker anymore! 😀







Colorful Emotions

**I don’t know about you, but I have about 2 pages left in my SWT notebook. The name of my notebook is “My Day Dreams Of Middle School” What did you name your notebook? Tell me in the comments!**


Anyways, here’s my poem.

Red is the anger that rages in my heart ’til you see the flames forming in my eyes.

Gold is when the sunlight shines bright in me and I’m the happiest I can be.

You can tell brown means it’s just a casual and normal day.

Green means excitement and adventures that await us.

Blue unfolds the sadness and tragedy I’ve faced.

Of course there’s the in between when two or more mix together forming a rainbow.

That’s why I hate,

but also love.




I Wish

I wish

that I could tell you

what this golden key unlocks.

It opens up a world of my thoughts,

and the words I don’t dare whisper

the ones I can barely mouth out.

I wish

you and I could sit together

unlocking secrets, me smiling, and giving it all to you.

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 12/12/16 #IMWAYR

I am reading Matched by Ally Condie, a New York Times Bestselling Author. She is the same author who wrote Crossed, which I haven’t read yet. I’m not sure if it matters to read Matched first then Crossed, or vice-versa. In this book, The Society controls your life. Who you love,  where you work, when you die. If you liked the Hunger Games, you should enjoy Matched. The protagonist is named Cassia, a 17 year old girl. Cassia. . .is an excellent narrator. I’m only in the first 100 pages but I’m still really enjoying this book.  If you’re hooked, make sure to go to the library and checkout this book!

Remember Pearl Harbor!

Thank you Ms. Sissy for this prompt!  🙂


In an hour, thousands of lives were lost.

In an hour, the world was changed.

In an hour, families were torn apart.

In an hour, a battle was lost.  

We were caught by surprise,

As the Japanese swooped from the skies.

Bomb after bomb fell,

Breaking ship after ship.

On this sad, sad day,

Remember those who were lost.

Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers,

Grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles.

Their lives were stolen,

A battle was lost.