I Was A Gullible Person

As a kid I was pretty prone to believing people pretty much unconditionally as with most children. I just had too much trust for my own good, like, “Oh why would anyone have any reason to lie to me, the world is nothing but nice people and purity! “Of course, I’ve grown out of that mentality (unfortunately) and I am a lot more cautious. But for a while people could tell me things and I’d just believe them. I got thinking about all the ridiculous things people put in my head that I stored as a fact, and I decided to make a list of the craziest ones, and also just letting you know I was like, younger than 7 in all these stories. Don’t worry I didn’t just find out these things aren’t true a couple of months ago or anything.

Grasshoppers spit acid in your shoes.

This one probably needs explaining. I was at my house with some friends outside and we were running around in the grass without our shoes on. When we went back to put them on there was a little grasshopper sitting at the bottom of my right shoe. “Guys look, a cute little grasshopper is wearing my shoe!” And one of my friends goes, “Oh my god! Grasshoppers spit acid! Get it out!” And then we all start panicking at the fact there was a death grasshopper in my shoe. I looked up why she could have thought that and it actually is a fact that grasshoppers can spit a brown liquid to protect themselves from predators. It’s called Tobacco Juice and even though it’s slightly acidic the worst it can really do is stain your clothes. It’s pretty much harmless. But ohhhh, no, I had the image in my head of some breaking bad acid dissolving in everything it touches.

Since this post is pretty long, I’m going to write more about it on my next post. Stay tuned for it!

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