Confession Time!

I’m not going to get all technical (yes, that is how you spell it, otherwise my computer would underline it in red, that is what you guys meant, right?) with the right -phobia words. But…

Feel free to confess your phobias in the comments!

I have a fear of chihuahuas. Those little dogs are so… not for me. (I like other dogs though)

Have  you ever been in a restaurant where they dim the lights and its really crowded and you can’t see anything? Or you have that moment in the car at night, driving home, when you notice how terribly dark everything is and every headlight flashing by makes you jump? I think that is probably claustrophobia. I don’t like dim lights and I don’t like the dark, but I don’t like light at night, either. I guess I like things to be “natural”.

Fear of nothingness. Does that make sense? Sometimes I get this chilling sensation that I’m nothing, that this doesn’t exist, that I’m something else huge and yet so small. I can bring that feeling on if I want to, but usually I prefer not to.

I used to hate loud noises. It’s pretty ironic because I love watch percussion concerts. I’ve mostly gotten over that, but I’m so afraid when I hear loud noises and I don’t know what they are.

I don’t really have a fear of heights, but I do hoard things a lot. I have a very difficult time throwing stuff out, so when I’m standing on a bridge or somewhere up high, I’m always afraid I’ll drop something. I’ve never lost anyone in my family (that I was close with/really knew). I don’t have a fear of my own death, but certainly of those I love. Fear of loss is probably my worst fear.

Now I sound really paranoid. Oh well.


Speaking With One Word?

Imagine if you can, if this world only spoke of one word

life without proper language

try to imagine thinking without language, but, of course, we’d be doing that with language itself

How would CONVERSATIONS happen?

it wouldn’t make sense at all

if there was only one word there would be little speaking at all


if there was only one word there would be very different television and shows

What would MUSIC be like?

would it get annoying, or would the singer say it different each and every time

There would be very little to READING

If there was only one word, this poem wouldn’t exist at all.

Balance – #SOLC17

Before I begin, I’d like to say that I’ve been busy for the past few days, so I’m posting days 10, 11, and 12 today. So, day 10 is going to be a paragraph about balance.

Everything is always balanced with its opposite, although it doesn’t always seem this way.  Good is balanced with bad; if everything’s been going well, expect some storms ahead. But if things have been going wrong left and right, don’t be discouraged- the light will show itself soon. Dark is balanced with Light, they might be equal, or Light might be more for some time, and then Dark invades, or vice versa. Balance is vital, and it’s always here; at least, it always has been here. Balance could be removed, but if things keep working the way they are, that won’t happen.  Nothing stays the same forever, so no change is permanent. As of now, balance is forever.

Look out for the next two days, they’ll be posted today!

Summer – #SOLC17

You can’t yet see the ocean, but you know you will soon. You study the dunes as you drive down the road, but you don’t really process what you’re seeing– you’re too excited. The first thing you sense is the salty scent of the ocean as you drive up the path through the dunes. When your parents turn the corner to the beach house, you don’t look, waiting to be surprised. You only look at the beach house. It’s fairly small, but you think it’ll be fine for you, your parents, and your sister. It’s partially built on the dunes, and it’s two story. There are many similar beach houses along the beach. You go get unpacked and then rush out to the porch. The beach has coarse white sand, and stretches out a long way in both directions. There are umbrellas, chairs, and sandcastles scattered along the beach, and there are people on the beach at this moment, even in the hot summer sun. You see some sandbars you think you might want want to hang out at, as well as some great sandcastle spots. The ocean is a clear, tropical blue, with small waves (great for boogie boarding) changing the water’s surface. You know you’re going to enjoy your time at the beach.

Excitement – #SOLC17

Excitement is the wonderful scent of dinner being cooked downstairs.

Excitement is the sound of many birds chirping, welcoming the rising sun.

Excitement is bright orange, vibrant as ever.

Excitement is a juicy fruit, waiting to let the flavor burst.

Excitement is a feeling of sprinting as fast as possible, trying to reach your destination quicker.

Excitement – a dream come true!

Before you roll your eyes and move on to writing your stories again, hear me out for one second:

Do you love writing? Are you an amazing writer? Have you always wanted to be famous but didn’t feel like putting in the effort?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then I feel for you. I love writing, and I’ve always wanted to be published and famous. However, as any of you who have ever tried write a novel may know, it is very easy to start one and very hard to actually finish. But what’s not hard at all is writing a short story. I mean, come on, we’ve all done it at some point- just think back to pretty much any year’s English class! Look at your own stories you write here! What if you could take one of your fantastic short stories you’ve written here and just have that published?

It’s fun to see people read my work. 🙂 To those people who has picked these words out of thousands to read. Without you, these words would be meaningless. That’s the thing about words – they only hold beauty when one is there to witness it.

I have a favor to ask you. Would you grab a pen?

1) Find a place where you can draw on yourself

2) Draw 1/2 of the heart

3) Take a deep breath

4) Draw the other half

5) Fill it in

Now you have a heart bandage. ♥

Be warned though – the ink will fade eventually

But you can always buy a new pen.

Bored In Class?

So recently I’ve been really bored in class…Don’t judge. So here’s some things to do when you’re bored at your desk. Everything starred I have done. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE JUST PUTTING THAT OUT THERE!

1. Twirl your hair (Mostly for girls with longer hair.)*

2. Click your pen (make sure you are careful, some teachers HATE this.)

3. Place your pencil on the floor (make sure nobody sees you) and get up to “get it”*

4. Listen to a song in your head (you can fool a teacher by whispering the words really quietly and pretend to check over your work for the eighth time.)

5. Doodle (BE VERY CAREFUL.)

6. Daydream (for like 5 seconds.. Be careful.)*

7. Sharpen your pencil until it’s gone

8. When everything is quiet, start laughing. When someone asks, just keep laughing. (Uh…Not advised?)

9.  When everyone is completely silent, sing the pillow pet theme song. (Not advised.. Tell me how it goes in the comments)

10. If you do independent reading, read one of the Twilight books. Flip to a random page and scream, “EDWARD AND BELLA DID WHAT NOW?!” (I don’t know. Try it out.)

11. Start dancing and then immediately sit down when the teacher looks

12. Make a list of things to do in class


Between English

and History

And all the other blocks

Lining the halls

Yellow and shiny


Hurt you

Throw my books in you

Never give you a chance

Then walk away

Soon to face another evil

Where else would I put

My photographs

My pencils

My wadded-up paper

My notes that I almost took

That turned into meaningless doodles

My lunchbox

You know what I always bring

Then slam you shut

And lock you up

Fill you with junk

The contents

Of endless notebooks

Meant for education

And hearts and stars and peace signs

Looking for my science homework

Thrown in like everything else


Things I Am Grateful For

Sorry I missed writing yesterday. I had no motivation. I’m making it up today by writing 2 posts today!!

1. My eyes that can see and my ears that can hear. Some people never experience these gifts in life.
2. My drive to never give up. Everything I do in life I always put in 100 percent.
3. My love for others. I care deeply about other people. I love making people smile and bringing positive change in their life.

4. My family. This is probably cliche but I wouldn’t be who I am without them. A lot of my personality has been shaped by their influence. Also, I’m thankful for everything they’ve done for me. From buying me clothes & supplies to putting up with my moodiness,  😛

2. Friends! I’ve run across a few fake friends but I’m happy to say I’ve found my true friends. They’ve always been there for me and supported me through every decision. And, they’ve never let me down. I’m so happy they’re in my life.

3. LIFE. Just life in general is something I’m grateful for. Being able to wake up everyday & experience so many different things is amazing. I’m grateful to be here. I’m grateful to feel all the feelings we’re able to feel, and see all of the things we’re able to see. Just…everything (: <3

I thought everything was exciting.

Today, I resolve to be lazy.

While looking out the window and I will stay in my PJs, and eat junk food, and be holed up in my room until 3 in the morning

watching reruns.

When I was in elementary school I was told by my teacher to stop using exclamation marks for every sentence and that they should only be used for exciting things and I remember being confused because I thought everything was exciting.

“That was the most saddest thing I’ve ever heard” -My friend