Before you roll your eyes and move on to writing your stories again, hear me out for one second:

Do you love writing? Are you an amazing writer? Have you always wanted to be famous but didn’t feel like putting in the effort?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then I feel for you. I love writing, and I’ve always wanted to be published and famous. However, as any of you who have ever tried write a novel may know, it is very easy to start one and very hard to actually finish. But what’s not hard at all is writing a short story. I mean, come on, we’ve all done it at some point- just think back to pretty much any year’s English class! Look at your own stories you write here! What if you could take one of your fantastic short stories you’ve written here and just have that published?

It’s fun to see people read my work. 🙂 To those people who has picked these words out of thousands to read. Without you, these words would be meaningless. That’s the thing about words – they only hold beauty when one is there to witness it.

I have a favor to ask you. Would you grab a pen?

1) Find a place where you can draw on yourself

2) Draw 1/2 of the heart

3) Take a deep breath

4) Draw the other half

5) Fill it in

Now you have a heart bandage. ♥

Be warned though – the ink will fade eventually

But you can always buy a new pen.

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One thought on “

  1. I totally agree with the first part especially! <3 I have tried writing like 10 novels but I have never gotten past the 2nd chapter. 😉

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