Bored In Class?

So recently I’ve been really bored in class…Don’t judge. So here’s some things to do when you’re bored at your desk. Everything starred I have done. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE JUST PUTTING THAT OUT THERE!

1. Twirl your hair (Mostly for girls with longer hair.)*

2. Click your pen (make sure you are careful, some teachers HATE this.)

3. Place your pencil on the floor (make sure nobody sees you) and get up to “get it”*

4. Listen to a song in your head (you can fool a teacher by whispering the words really quietly and pretend to check over your work for the eighth time.)

5. Doodle (BE VERY CAREFUL.)

6. Daydream (for like 5 seconds.. Be careful.)*

7. Sharpen your pencil until it’s gone

8. When everything is quiet, start laughing. When someone asks, just keep laughing. (Uh…Not advised?)

9.  When everyone is completely silent, sing the pillow pet theme song. (Not advised.. Tell me how it goes in the comments)

10. If you do independent reading, read one of the Twilight books. Flip to a random page and scream, “EDWARD AND BELLA DID WHAT NOW?!” (I don’t know. Try it out.)

11. Start dancing and then immediately sit down when the teacher looks

12. Make a list of things to do in class