Things I Am Grateful For

Sorry I missed writing yesterday. I had no motivation. I’m making it up today by writing 2 posts today!!

1. My eyes that can see and my ears that can hear. Some people never experience these gifts in life.
2. My drive to never give up. Everything I do in life I always put in 100 percent.
3. My love for others. I care deeply about other people. I love making people smile and bringing positive change in their life.

4. My family. This is probably cliche but I wouldn’t be who I am without them. A lot of my personality has been shaped by their influence. Also, I’m thankful for everything they’ve done for me. From buying me clothes & supplies to putting up with my moodiness,  😛

2. Friends! I’ve run across a few fake friends but I’m happy to say I’ve found my true friends. They’ve always been there for me and supported me through every decision. And, they’ve never let me down. I’m so happy they’re in my life.

3. LIFE. Just life in general is something I’m grateful for. Being able to wake up everyday & experience so many different things is amazing. I’m grateful to be here. I’m grateful to feel all the feelings we’re able to feel, and see all of the things we’re able to see. Just…everything (: <3

I thought everything was exciting.

Today, I resolve to be lazy.

While looking out the window and I will stay in my PJs, and eat junk food, and be holed up in my room until 3 in the morning

watching reruns.

When I was in elementary school I was told by my teacher to stop using exclamation marks for every sentence and that they should only be used for exciting things and I remember being confused because I thought everything was exciting.

“That was the most saddest thing I’ve ever heard” -My friend


I can smell it through a dark brown wrapper. Marked “Hershey’s Chocolate” on the top.


I think it should say “HEAVEN IN BAR FORM”

My mind reels. Paradise is one second away. Raising it as quickly, as my thrilled muscles can move, my mouth opens

Ready to receive happiness

And I do!

Sweetness explodes, fireworks of cocoa

Dot the sky of my taste buds

Dusting the whole world

With a layer of sugar

And happiness


Sweet as honey, smooth as oil

To settle in my stomach, making me want more

If chocolate was a feeling, I would call it:



Sometimes I speak with song lyrics and my friends don’t notice.


Do you ever just have that thing in class where you notice you’ve stopped paying attention so you try to focus but then you’re so focused on trying to focus that you’re not paying attention to what they’re saying? To top that, you don’t even want to sometimes but you have to to understand.


Do you ever

do you ever just have

that one class

that one class !

that just depresses you when you think about it because

oh my you hate it so much

That’s math for me.


There are so many fruit I haven’t tasted

So many beautiful songs I have not discovered

Spices I’ve never heard of

Intruging conversations that I’ve never had

Books I’ve never read

Plants I’ve never seen

Yet I still have 90 minutes of math.


Doing math is like

Walking on a cactus

Looking at math

Is like looking at the sun

It makes you go blind

And your brain becomes undone.